So – I am dancing the other night admiring someone’s tambourine. I have not seen one in here yet and it looks like fun. S/he shares it with me and I spend 10 minutes pretending I am Josie (of Pussycat fame) and Tracy Partridge. Then s/he tells me to type the keyword “aflac” into the chat window. All of a sudden my avatar is not my own. I spin, I twirl, I bow and dance to the most adorable Japanese anime-like song complete with little pastel clouds shaped like flowers and bears popping out of my head. I am enthralled. I do it again, and again, and again. And then I realize that since others now have this new toy every time someone types “aflac” we all dance together.
I love this because being possessed by some tiny anime tambourine in RL would cause much concern, but in SL it is a delight. This is where I realize that the scripters will inherit the metaverse. People able to create such complex and fun toys are the future. Who needs to live vicariously through film actors, novel characters, or experience things like amusement parks or bowling alleys when you can just load your avatar up with scripts and be off. This kind of digital possession is not only native to virtual worlds, but begins to play with that gap between analogue RL and coded SL. As the class is winding down I find that I want to play with this gap much more.
My first instinct was to begin to sort of mess about with my friends. To start with simple things like convince them my cat had just wandered over my keyboard by typing gibberish. Or, Jerky Boys style, say more and more outrageous things and then blame it on my imaginary little brother who commandeered my avatar while I was in the bathroom. But – this doesn’t seem fair or right. I like my SL friends and I don’t want to alienate them (unless, of course, they want to be alienated). I write this not only because I know some of them read this blog, but because it feels as wrong as pulling a practical joke on friends in RL – only in RL I can smooth over the bumps if things go awry. And messing with strangers – well that is just too easy.
So – I imagine that there are other ways to play with the analogue/digital divide. I have ideas – but no skills – so I will search for scripters who want to play too. One idea has to do with an altered consciousness. Yea – I know SL already does that – but with complex scripts it could go much much farther. Mimicking the affects of alcohol in here doesn’t make much sense. I mean, every one already looks gorgeous, they will chat with anyone, and dance at the drop of a hat – which, as a RL introvert are at least three key reasons for grabbing a brew. But a time bound hallucinogenic experience in SL might be appealing to more than just me. HMMM. Yea – I need to think about this more. And, naturally, upon further review. folks have already done this. I need to check their wares and see if they have had in mind what I have in mind.
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