Friday, February 18, 2011

I feel like I have been violated by the media

OK – not a big entry – I have one brewing on the Situationists and SL – but it isn’t fully formed yet. So – yesterday – two events – left me feeling violated by the media. The first – someone or thing hacked my iphone and posted on all my FB friend’s walls some crap about free ipads. So then I gotta spend 35 minutes removing them all and changing my password to some unimaginably complex impossible to remember thing. Then – I get into SL to visit my favorite club – mainly cause DJ QT’s spin is a great mix of classic, blues, and house. I get there earlier than usual and the place is packed. So I move to an empty spot on the floor and start dancing. The conversation is – as always – light and fun with emphasis on playful banter and puns. This – um – furry dancing near me – and here I am not sure how to describe the avi – part bunny, part lion, part camel with a figure and wardrobe worthy of R. Crumb. She/he/it seems amused by my banter – so much so that they want to take me home as a pet. OK – I’ll play along – I state that I will need a box with air holes and some rawhide. The conversation moves to collars and tying me to a tree. Yea – as I stated – I have a real problem with authority – and I am definitely not responding to something with tons of body hair I can’t even identify. S/he/it goes to leave and demands I come with them. I must admit – part of me wanted to know where I would go and the other part was seriously creeped out. She stood in front of me for what seemed like an uncomfortably long time – the gesture of sort of waiting for me to get ready to leave. With a curt “ok since this is your first time I will let it slide” s/he/it was gone. This leaves me wondering if I have violated some unwritten furry code - like if you respond they get to take you home or something like that. If offered pet-dom a second time I wonder if I would take it - I mean - it is a virtual world what is gonna happen. The again they might get me to sell Amway - Yikes! I have yet to meet avi that creep me out more than the furries and the tinies (and the tiny furries). There have got to be some seriously wacked sub-cultures in here.

1 comment:

  1. Furries...yes. Next time you're online ask me...I spent some time as a furry, which is why I'm not any more...if that makes any sense.

    There are good people in all the "sub-cultures" and loonies as well. Furries are a breed apart though. I knew some really good people there...but most were...

    ...well...we'll talk.
